On January 8. 2024, Vickie Conner reported that a tree was laying on lines near the round firehouse in the DMR. DMRVFD Asst. Chief Kevin Honeycutt and Darryl Fellers responded to the location and looked at the damage. Fortunately, the large, old oak tree was down on the telephone line, not on the power lines. At the time, the power lines, located above the phone lines, were unaffected. Power had been out in many locations in the DMR. It was believed that somehow the breakers had reset themselves. It was also later determined that an unrelated problem existed with the power company as power was out in Crow’s Nest and Fort Davis.
The next morning, a team of DMR men tackled the fallen tree limbs. The team consisted of Darrell Fellers, Art Fitzgerald, Edward Eaton, Robert Levine, Jerry Guthrie and Jake Guthrie. The fallen tree limbs were part of the reason that almost 50 homes had no power until 11 pm the night before.
On January 10, 2024, Jerry Guthrie loaded up the mountain of tree limbs that had been cut the day before onto his trailer and took them to the burn pile.
Thanks to the volunteers from the DMRVFD, the Road Crew and other volunteers for spending a cold and windy day working on the tree and protecting our community and a special thanks to Jerry Guthrie for cleaning up the cut tree limbs. It just shows that volunteerism is still alive and well in the DMR.
Thanks to Rhonda Honeycutt for the photos.
A committee comprised of concerned citizens in the DMR have stepped up and are investigating methods for mitigating the increasing amount of donkeys/burros in the DMR. A Facebook page has been created that includes news and committee action updates to keep everyone aware of what’s happening. The site also allows for feedback and questions from the public. For more info, go to the Burro Mitigation Efforts in the DMR page in this site. Also, you can click on the following link to be directed to the official Facebook page: Donkeys of the DMR
We would like to thank all of the candidates and residents who came out to the Community Center to learn about some of the candidates who are on the primary ballot in March. It was great meeting the candidates and hearing a little about how they will do the job in elected.
Dale Learish – DMPOA President
Thank you to all that helped out this evening pulling the truck/trailer rigs out of the mud on the ranch road. It takes a village sometimes but that is why we live here…neighbors helping neighbors. Shout out to Kevin Honeycutt , Edward Eaton , Dale L Pilcher , Ray Queen, Darryl Fellers and Marvin Voiers for responding and assisting. It’s unfortunate that certain individuals were put off and impatient. It is what it is and we should all pay it forward….never know when you will need help from one of your neighbors.
Rhonda Honeycutt
Thank you guys for stepping up and responding to help your fellow neighbors in need. No one wants to leave their warm comfortable homes late in the evening on a cold wet night. Your DMRVFD volunteers will. and do so for nothing else but to be of service to our community. Most did not make it back home till after 11 pm. When they arrive on a scene, they have to problem solve on the spot.
If you would like to be of service to our community, please stop by the station and fill out an application. We are always looking for volunteers.
Edna Queen – DMRVFD Fire Chief
Thanks to Rhonda Honeycutt for the photos